Like, for example, taxes. It should be simple enough, right? We don't itemize, so how hard can it be?? Well, if last night is an example, pretty darned hard! We went over to Rocky Mount to get our taxes done and arrived pretty much right on time, only to be stopped by a locked door and a sign that said the place was "full". Since we were only 10 minutes past opening time, we had a difficult time believing they were full already. After checking back with the receptionist (twice), we finally got in, filled out the preliminary paperwork, and settled down to wait. We had no idea how long it would take since the place was having Internet problems...not a good sign...but hey, we'll wait, it should be up any time, right? Finally, a gentleman came in and fussed around with the computers and the routers and the what-have-yous (don't want to get too technical here), and TA-DAAAA, they had Internet! Why was it down? you ask. Well, apparently someone "moved something" and it messed things up. Go figure.
Now understand, it was already about two hours later that the Internet was restored. We were assured they would get to us "any moment now". About 20 "any moments" later, we were called over to the magic computer! Over we troop with all our paperwork clasped in our hands, we sit down, our info comes up on the screen, and we just KNEW we'd be outta there in no time! YESSSSS!!! They started entering our data, when a major snag came up about our investments. Long story short, we were unable to complete the process and our taxes STILL ARE NOT DONE. To say the least, we were not happy campers going home.
The moral of the story, ladies and gentlemen, is KNOW your investments! We thought we did, but nooooo. It didn't help that the person trying to help us didn't really know what she was doing. I think she's used to very simple tax filing and we weren't it. Hopefully, this will all be over and done with by April 15. OY.