Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School - WHEW!

Well, today was the first day of school! Can't believe it's here already!

After my cafeteria stint (dumping trays and trying to hurry kids along with their eating), I went to kindergarten. We have two classes, so I decided to go to the class with the new teacher, thinking she might need more help than the one who's been teaching awhile (although they both had extra help today!). When I got to class, all the children were sitting in their seats playing with various educational games like cards with animals and letters on them, magnetic letters which they were using to spell out their names, etc. We put nametags on all of them so we'd know what to call them - there were 23 children in there and it's almost impossible to remember everyone, although the teacher was doing a great job of it! I was impressed by her patience and insistence on certain rules, like raising hands before speaking and not talking while others are talking (a very hard concept for most school kids). Another lady who usually subs at the school and I stayed in the room all day, making sure the children didn't kill or maim each other (just kidding, they did really well!).

My after-school duties include car rider duty. This is usually pretty painless and today was no exception. We have a great team of teachers/teacher assistants who get the children out of the lobby and into the correct cars in record time. There was one kindergartner who was left, but he seemed not to mind too much and I'm sure was out of there pretty quickly.

I'll be doing K-duty for probably the rest of the week before starting my real schedule with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Can't wait to see my "older babies"!! I'm sure they can wait to see me, though - HA! Should be an interesting year!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School Days are (almost) here again!

Hello all! For those of you who don't live in this area, you are probably amazed and astounded to learn that school, for the children, starts on August 17. The teachers (and teacher assistants, like myself) started back last Wednesday, August 10. The first day back was rather surreal, as I felt like I had just said good-bye to everyone the day before!

The reason we start back so soon is because we spend a certain number of days out every year because of snow, the threat of snow, a random snowflake, ice, random ice, etc., etc. In other words, we panic and close schools. Now, this was NOT the way we did things back in the "good ol' days" (or as I say, "dark ages") when I was a child. Back then, bus drivers put chains on the tires and kept on truckin'. Of course we had to miss on occasion - I can remember when I was in 4th grade we were out for a week because of deep snow with a layer of ice on top. It was FABULOUS for sleigh riding!! We paid the price for missing by going on Saturdays or never getting an Easter break. I could probably count on one hand the number of years we ever got more than a couple of days, if that, of Easter break. It just didn't happen!

Anyway, I have to admit that I'm kinda glad to be (almost) back in the school routine, even if it does cut into my free time! I didn't finish all the things I had planned to, though I did get a few things done. It was good to see all the teachers I worked with last year - and to meet the few new ones for this year. I have a new schedule that I'm rather excited about and hope all goes well this year.

Do I have a point? Well, no, not really...except to say that I do so enjoy my job, feel lucky to be in it, and can't wait to get going!!