Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Well, I just looked to see when I last posted and it's been awhile! I can't believe any of my (three) fans haven't bugged me about it! I really haven't had much of anything to say and I still don't, but I'll try to come up with something for my adoring audience.

Today I was sitting in my favorite chair looking at the Denise Austin book I bought about this time last year :-). You know, the one I was going to use to help me lose the weight I want to lose - last year! The one I still haven't read since - last year! Do you sense the theme here?

Anyway, I had a headache pretty much all day today so it wasn't a good day to start my exercise regimen. Tomorrow I'll be in school for a teacher workday, the next two days I'll be in school, etc., etc., etc. You get the picture, I'm sure! Actually, Carrie and I had talked about taking a Zumba class (something I would dearly love to do), but it meets on Wednesday nights right up until my choir time AND it would cost $50 for each of us...too rich for my blood! Sooooo....maybe we can come up with our own Zumba lesson here. I'm hoping to, anyway!

I am at least smart enough this year not to brag about how I'm going to lose weight. I'm gonna try, but you won't hear about it unless it happens - that way, I'm not disappointed and neither are you! I know I'd feel better if I got involved in a regular exercise routine, so we'll see what develops. Stay tuned!

As for what else is happening....well, I keep quite busy between school, Girl Scouts, and church. I manage to have something to do almost every night of the week, which gets a little wearing sometimes. These last two days, we've had a holiday ("MILK" day, as I call it) and then today was teacher workday at home. Tomorrow we have teacher workday at school, so I'll be heading off. Anyway, I have not been ANYWHERE in the last two days - practically a world's record for me! I parked my car Sunday afternoon and haven't moved it for two days! It's been kinda nice - haven't done all I could here, but have gotten some things done as well as read a book or two. I think I needed the downtime, since the next couple of months look pretty hectic! Lots of GS stuff coming up - every weekend in February is now officially taken with some sort of GS activity at some point in the weekend.

A new experience I have had this year is being an Odyssey of the Mind co-coach for the primary group (1st and 2nd graders) at our school. I got drafted to this position, but have really enjoyed working with the kids. It's amazing what they can think of and how creative they are! My co-coach is one of the moms and she's really a great help. Between the two of us, we try to keep six very energetic, vocal, and lively souls in line! Our competition will be on the first weekend in March. Since I've never been, I'm looking forward to going to see what takes place. It will be nice to observe without the stress of competing. I should also mention that one of the teachers at school has been a tremendous help to us - given us suggestions, provided snacks, and will be providing some of the materials we'll need in order to complete our tasks. Thank you, Laura!

Well, this is about all I can think of for the moment. Wake up and have a good rest of the evening!

1 comment:

  1. We haven't bugged you much about not posting for so long because it's always, "I only post when I have something to say, get off my back!" :) Thank you for posting.
